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We would like to inform you that both our Computer Pride Nairobi and Mombasa offices will be closed completely from Wednesday, 19th July 2023 to Thursday, 27th July 2023. We will resume our regular operations on Friday, 28th July 2023.

This closure is in observance of the special Ashara Mubaraka prayers. In case of any urgent inquiries or assistance, please feel free to contact us at


2D Design

Courses Overview

The 2D Design 1.0 module sets out the skills and knowledge used to create and manipulate objects or elements in two-dimensional design. It will also cover changing object properties and printing or plotting outputs.

Designers in a range of areas, such as product development or construction, use computer-aided design software to increase their productivity and improve the quality of their designs. The 2D CAD module covers in a practical way the keys skills required to use this software effectively.

  • Getting started
  • Main operations
  • Advanced features
  • Outputs
  • Use a two-dimensional design application to create and save drawings, import, and export drawings.
  • Use layers and levels.
  • Create objects and elements; use selection tools; manipulate objects and elements.
  • Use inquiry commands, for example, to measure distances, angles, areas.
  • Set and modify properties; create and modify text and dimensions.
  • Use blocks and cells; create, edit, and use objects from a cell library; embed or link to objects using OLE.
  • Prepare outputs for printing or plotting.
  • Provides a comprehensive introduction to core 2D CAD skills.
  • Can be applied to a range of 2D CAD software from professional packages to freeware.
  • Certifies best practice in 2D CAD software use.
  • Provides a strong level of knowledge that enhances non-technical staff awareness of the fundamentals of 2D CAD, developed with input from computer users, subject matter experts and practising computer professionals from all over the world. This process ensures the relevance and range of module content.