Courses Overview
The Online Essentials module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to web browsing, effective information search, online communication, and e-mail.
Using online tools and services to find information and to communicate is a key park of day-to-day working life. The skills and knowledge that underpin these activities are covered in the Online Essentials module, which focuses on browsing, searching, and communicating.
- Web browsing concepts
- Web browsing
- Web-based information
- Communication concepts
- Using e-mail
On completion of this module, candidates will be able to:
- Understand web browsing and online security concepts.
- Use the web browser and manage browser settings, bookmarks, and web outputs.
- Search effectively for online information and critically evaluate web content.
- Understand key copyright and data protection issues.
- Understand concepts of online communities, communications, and email.
- Send, receive e-mails, and manage email settings.
- Organise and search emails and use calendars.
- Covers the key skills needed to understand the main concepts relating to web browsing and online security.
- Certifies best practice in effective online computer use.
- Developed with input from computer users, subject matter experts, and practising computer professionals from all over the world. This process ensures the relevance and range of module content.
This module is suitable for a wide range of candidates who want to be able to use Document, spreadsheet, and presentation applications effectively.